Subject: Arms and Weapons

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54 results returned.
Welcome to SSG February NewsLitter, written by a news-wonk who is ever less certain about what he knows…let alone all he can not. December intentions for this second offering were...

The report proposes a flexible strategy, the Stepping Stones Approach, for successful nuclear disarmament. It advocates a gradual process, widely supported among EU members, to address the crisis in nuclear...

It is dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament, envisioning a world where sources of insecurity are identified and understood, conflicts are prevented or resolved, and peace...

The Strategic Survey 2022: The Annual Assessment of Geopolitics provides a comprehensive analysis of the past year's events that have shaped the relationships between major powers, highlighting significant geopolitical and...

Is a non-governmental organization working towards peace, disarmament and democratization. Its activities include "publishing, lobbying, activism and participating in political debates." Currently, it "has a total of about 8500 members."...

An Interdisciplinary research centre for the study of change in armed conflict. It addresses the most significant themes and challenges produced by war", analyzing the dynamics of change through high...

The 2022 Trends in International Arms Transfers report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) gives a snapshot of the global arms market. It details top arms dealers and...

The "Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2022" report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) reveals that global military expenditure soared to a record $2.24 trillion in 2022. This...

It's dedicated to conducting independent research on various aspects of arms control and disarmament. It provides valuable advice and ideas to the governments of Member States. facilitating dialogue to further...

It's focused on disarmament and security. It generates knowledge, promotes dialogues, and takes action on disarmament and security issues. It offers ideas, advises, and facilitates dialogues to advance multilateral arms...