Subject: Strategic Security

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36 results returned.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the most pressing threats to U.S. national security over the next year. The Annual Threat Assessment Of The U.S. Intelligence Community reflecting the IC's collective...

It strives to provide strategic and reliable insights to governments, businesses, and diplomatic communities across Asia. It promotes thoughtful dialogues among government, business, and civil society. Its activities concentrate on...

It provides "fresh ideas on Australia's defense and strategic policy choices", working to "inform the public on strategic and defense issues, generating new ideas for the government, and  

A nonprofit think tank and public policy research center. It seeks to advance U.S. interests by providing sound defense concepts and insightful analyses as well as promoting public debate and...

A non-profit think tank based in Ontario, Canada, devoted to studying security transitions in fragile states, known as security sector reform (SSR). CSG conducts innovative, policy-oriented research using various methods,...

It researches and engages the public on topics related to strategic, foreign policy, and security issues. Its mission is to promote informed public discussion on New Zealand's security interests and...

An organization focused on improving Civil-Military Interaction (CMI) and cooperation among NATO, Sponsoring Nations, and other military and civil groups. The primary goal of the CCOE is to contribute to...

It combats extremist groups by applying pressure to the financial support networks of these groups, countering their propaganda and online recruitment efforts, and advocating for strong laws, policies, and regulations....

The report on Cyber Capabilities and National Power provides a qualitative analysis of the cyber capabilities of 15 countries, assessing their impact on national power across seven categories: strategy, governance,...

It's main emphasis is on global and strategic topics that are vital to the national interest, which aspires to offer research-based, pertinent, trustworthy, and practical policy perspectives to an actively...