15 results returned.
An “independent, non-partisan think tank whose peer-reviewed research and trusted analysis influence policy makers to innovate.” CIGI “addresses significant global issues at the intersection of technology and international governance.” It...
A research hub for international affairs research and debate in Canada. It disseminates information "about contemporary global issues as well as international policy issues in Canada" and its role in...
It "works outside the official processes of the G20 and related international fora, but it supports these efforts by providing information, analysis of policy proposals and monitoring progress on policy...
It works to "address the socioeconomic and ecological issues surrounding new technologies that could have an impact on the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people". They investigate "ecological erosion (including...
Is a "nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of sustainable development and global governance." As a research center, it aims to produce"timely and objective analysis on a wide...
It follows the work of G20 leaders, finance ministers, central bank governors, and other G20 institutions, working to accurately describe, explain, and interpret the G20 and its members' actions.It is...
Aims to reduce the main global challenges and risks that threaten humanity. Their work is based on the risk analysis ideas central to the success of Laszlo Szombatfalvy. Seeks to...
An international political platform seeking "to catalyze substantive, wide-ranging and inclusive conversations on systemic changes to its current global governance architecture." Issue areas: Climate Change Gender Equality Extremes of Wealth...
The Global Governance Watch is a project of the Washington, D.C.-based Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, which aims to; "raise awareness about global governance trends and developments...
Is an independent non-profit think tank seeking “to improve global governance through research, policy advice and debate”. Areas of interest: Global Order Humanitarian Action Migration Monitoring & Evaluation Peace &...