Old Subject: Climate Risks

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It is dedicated to preventing global catastrophic risks and promoting new forms of governance and coordination. To effectively tackle the complexity of global risks, the CRI emphasizes the importance of...

Note: This is a preliminary version that will be updated soon. Climate Security centers its attention on the "maintenance of the local and the planetary biosphere as the essential support...

An initiative from Global Footprint Network that aims to help investors and risk analysts "identify, quantify, and integrate environmental risks into their analysis and decision-making." It provides "carbon disclosure and...

The solutions-broker brings stakeholders together from the public and private sector, civil society, and knowledge institutions to help societies become more resilient and adapt to climate-related threats. Programs areas: Food...

A "group of senior military leaders, security experts, and security institutions across the globe dedicated to anticipating, analyzing, and addressing the security risks of a changing climate." IMCCS was founded...

Is a “nonpartisan research project” focused on “quantifying and publicizing the economic risks from the impacts of a changing climate” in the U.S. Its reports tackle concerns “about the economic...

The third Newslitter, slated for 2023's summer, was to focus on AI's global uproar. However, due to many large language models, a new theme was required. A New York Times...

It works on “climate change risk and risk management issues” ; striving to help “decision-makers of all kinds and at all levels filter and access the best information for managing...

A trans-organizational and interdisciplinary project run by Adelphi and the PIK focused on the linkages between climate change and security risks. Its goal is "to ensure that local, national and...