It is dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament, envisioning a world where sources of insecurity are identified and understood, conflicts are prevented or resolved, and peace is sustained. To this end, it provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources, to policymakers, researchers, media and the interested public. It’s best known for the authoritative annual SIPRI Yearbook published since 1969.
Research Programs:
- Armament and disarmament – Looks at the most important symptoms of insecurity and efforts to control them.
- Conflict and peace – Looks at the most critical consequences of insecurity and efforts to minimize them.
- Peace and development – Looks at the long-term causes of insecurity to understand how societies identify and navigate paths to sustainable peace.
- SIPRI Arms Transfers Database – Shows all international transfers of major conventional arms since 1950. It is the most comprehensive publicly available source of information on international arms transfers.
- SIPRI Mapping ATT-Relevant Cooperation and Assistance Activities Database – Provides information on cooperation and assistance activities in arms transfer and small arms and light weapons (SALW) controls. The database supports states’ implementation of the 2001 UN Programme of Action on SALW and the 2013 Arms Trade Treaty and includes activities carried out since 2012.
- SIPRI Arms Industry Database – Contains information on the 100 largest arms-producing and military services companies.
- SIPRI Multilateral Peace Operations Database – Offers information on all peace operations conducted since 2000, including location, dates of deployment and operation, mandate, participating countries, number of personnel, costs and fatalities.
- SIPRI Military Expenditure Database – Gives the annual military spending of countries since 1949, allowing comparison of countries’ military spending in local currency at current prices, in US dollars at constant prices and exchange rates, and as a share of GDP.
- News and events
- Blog and commentary
- Media releases
- An extensive library of 440+ research reports, monographs, academic articles, policy papers, etc.
- SIPRI Yearbook – A compendium of data and analysis on world military expenditures, arms production, arms transfers, nuclear forces, armed conflict, arms control and disarmament, etc. Pocket-size summaries are in English and several other languages.
- An online calendar of past and upcoming events
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute