The Security and Sustainability GuideThe QuickLooks are short, easy-to-digest articles, which focus on an array of sustainability and human security topics while showcasing the leading organizations working in that field.
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Education for Sustainability and the SDGs: A Short Guide to Advocating Organizations
August 23, 2022
Our world is amid multiple crises, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. This includes a crisis in education and learning, notably at K-12 levels, where many students have...
Alternative Energy – A Quick Look at the Leading Organizations in the Field
June 20, 2022
Introduction While fossil fuels continue to dominate energy production and consumption, the press of climate change has made it abundantly clear that the ecological costs of greenhouse gas emitting po...
Young Leaders for Sustainability: A QuickLook at Inspiring Activists
April 8, 2022
Young leaders are not just aspiring leaders of the future, but, in recent decades, appear as major factors in raising awareness of and popularizing the most urgent problems of our society formalized t...
Higher Education for Sustainability and Peace: A QuickLook at PhD Programs
April 1, 2022
This QuickLook on Higher Education for Sustainability and Peace presents a list of PhD opportunities covering areas of one or more UN Sustainable Development Goals. Information is derived from institu...
Air Pollution: A QuickLook at Organizations Working Towards Clean Air
March 21, 2022
There is an increasing desire to understand how to stop air pollution. Each year, it is responsible for some 7 million deaths worldwide. This includes indoor air pollution (which kills 3million of the...
Global Risks and Challenges – A Quick Look at Security Organizations
January 6, 2022
Global Security is an elusive term with several definitions. According to Ken Booth, Global Security Threats can be divided into global existential threats and global emancipatory threats. Global exis...
Regional Security – A QuickLook at Leading Organizations
December 14, 2021
Today we live in a world with numerous areas of power and no institutions adapted to address its contemporary security challenges. For instance, China and other countries in the Southeast Asian region...
Human Security – A QuickLook at Leading Organizations
December 14, 2021
The concept of Human Security While the traditional notion aims to defend a nation-state in its territorial integrity through increased military means, human security focuses on the individual. This c...
Youth Groups: A QuickLook at Leading Organizations
October 3, 2021
The hope for resolving our world’s most significant problems is nested in future generations: in the power of youth and organized youth groups. Since adopting the UN Security Council Resolution 2250 o...
Climate Coalitions – A QuickLook at Global Alliances
September 17, 2021
Climate change is the major long-term global issue for the next decades. The August 2021 IPCC report from Working Group 1, on “The Physical Science Basis”, warns that human influence has warmed...
Migrants & Refugees: A QuickLook at Leading Organizations
September 10, 2021
According to the UN, the “growth in the number of international migrants has been robust over the last two decades, reaching 281 million people living outside their country of origin in 2020, up from...
Environmental Peacebuilding – A QuickLook at Leading Organizations
July 25, 2021
Note: This is a preliminary version that will be updated soon. Historically, peacebuilding efforts have focused on social and economic issues. Environmental peacebuilding incorporates natural resource...
UN Sustainability – A QuickLook at its Major Programs
July 25, 2021
Note: This is a preliminary version that will be updated soon. In 2015 The United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Goals as the “2030 Agenda.” It marked the moment when climate change and...
Climate Security – A QuickLook at Leading Organizations
July 25, 2021
Note: This is a preliminary version that will be updated soon. Climate Security centers its attention on the "maintenance of the local and the planetary biosphere as the essential support system on wh...
CyberSecurity : A QuickLook at Organizations Addressing the Growing Threat
July 25, 2021
When reviewing the Future of Cybersecurity, in their July 19, 2021 Cover Feature on “Broadbandits,” the Economist warned of “an epoch of intensifying cyber-insecurity that will impinge on everyone,” s...
Plastic Pollution – A QuickLook at Leading Organizations
July 5, 2021
The Problem “In 2019, the production and incineration of plastic added more than 850 million metric tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Current plans for plastic production and use will add 1....
Arctic Warming: A QuickLook at Concerned Organizations
June 10, 2021
Arctic climate change. The Arctic is more affected by global warming than any other place on earth, resulting in unprecedented physical, social, economic, and political transformations. Concern...
Water Security: A QuickLook at Leading Organizations
June 2, 2021
The 2021 United Nations World Water Development Report estimated that “4 billion people live in areas that suffer from severe physical i.e. seasonal water scarcity for at least one month per year. And...
Global Security – A QuickLook at Leading Organizations
January 16, 2021
Note: This is a preliminary version that will be updated soon. The 21st century has proved itself as very complicated. As a result, international institutions and national actors struggle to keep up w...
Sustainable Fashion – A QuickLook at Leading Organizations
January 5, 2021
The global fashion industry is one of the largest, most resource-intensive industries, and a powerful engine for global growth and development. In its current state, there is no sustainable fashion an...