Subject: Politics

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401 results returned.
An international platform for global governance solutions-focused "on improving the organization of our world in order to address its most pressing challenges in the areas of peace and security, development,...

It brings policymakers, business leaders, and representatives of media and academics together to discuss global problems. The Commission's countries and members share common values and a commitment to the rule...

It focuses on U.S. foreign policy in the Near East, aiming to promote a balanced understanding of American interests in the Middle East and advocate their protection. The institute regularly...

A "joint network by the University of the Arctic and the Northern Research Forum." It aims to combine "Studies on Geopolitics and Security Studies then draw up a holistic picture...

It advocates for center-left ideas and promotes American values of opportunity, freedom, and security. Third Way strives for opportunity, progress on social issues, and security against global threats. Its strength...

It's working to build “a just, democratic and sustainable world.” It strives to “advance progressive, democratic policy change and common solutions to global problems.” Consequently, it partners up with “social...

The "Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2022" report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) reveals that global military expenditure soared to a record $2.24 trillion in 2022. This...

It is dedicated to providing solutions to national security issues; aiming to elevate the best national security leaders who reflect America's diversity, modernize national security institutions, promote principled American global...

An independent think-tank, aiming to develop policy recommendations in relation to social and political problems that wait for solutions. It analyzes Turkey’s most pressing social, cultural, political and economic issues,...

It works to strengthen America’s civilian-led tools — development and diplomacy — alongside defense. By advocating for a strong International Affairs Budget, it tries to make America’s international affairs programs...