63 results returned.
It is an Indian non-governmental organization that was established by a group of professors. It aims to improve governance and strengthen democracy in India by continuously working in the area...
As a future-oriented think tank, it addresses issues that animated Schmidt, the pioneering thinker. This foundation was established in 2017 by the German Bundestag as one of seven non-partisan foundations...
A foundation founded by "Andrew Carnegie to promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding. Focuses its work on "international peace, the advancement of education and knowledge, and the...
It's seeking to advance peace through analysis and development of policy ideas and direct engagement and collaboration with decision makers in government, business, and civil society. Brings multiple national viewpoints...
It examines national AI policies and practices, training AI policy professionals and supporting democratic ideals for AI. With the aim of ensuring that artificial intelligence and digital policies promote a...
It focused on promoting democratic values through impacting technology policy and architecture, emphasising individual rights. It supports laws, business practices, and technology tools that safeguard online privacy and security and...
It was established to promote dialogue and cooperation between Europe and the Atlantic region. It also aims to foster regional cooperation among the V4 countries and Central Europe. CEID shares...
It promotes human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. It represents 46 member states, 27 of which are from the EU, giving it significant influence. Its research spans various...
It aims to bring the promise of cooperative business ownership to the communities most affected by social and economic inequality. It ensures that future growth in the cooperative worker movement...
It is "dedicated to the pursuit of democratic renewal, increased civic participation, and community revitalization" ; working towards the development of "new strategies that address the root causes of corrosive...