Subject: *New Additions*

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143 results returned.
A non-governmental, non-profit educational and research institution that conducts research and analysis and provides expert advice on international security and defense issues. They commission and conduct research projects, provide briefing...

A provider of academic eJournals, eBooks, and Grey Literature documents in the Humanities and Social Sciences, focusing on Central, East, and Southeast Europe. CEEOL is a trusted source of expertise...

A non-governmental organization aiming to promote interactive decision-making processes, environmental justice, and sustainable development. CEJAD has succeeded in advocating for the closure of polluting factories, implementing sustainable waste management practices,...

A research hub at the Brussels School of Governance. This centre, an alliance between the Institute for European Studies (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Vesalius College, aims to contribute to a...

A research and field-building organization dedicated to understanding and managing the risks and opportunities of advanced artificial intelligence (AI). GovAI is building a global research community to navigate the transition...

An organization focused on improving Civil-Military Interaction (CMI) and cooperation among NATO, Sponsoring Nations, and other military and civil groups. The primary goal of the CCOE is to contribute to...

A joint effort between the German Federal Foreign Office and adelphi, a Berlin-based think tank. The initiative emphasizes the importance of incorporating climate considerations into foreign policy decisions, requiring risk...

A global entity aimed at fortifying the United Nations. Collaborating with civil society, governments, and the UN, it focuses on people-centered multilateralism. The Coalition invites organizations and networks to join...

A part of the Office of Engagement at Colorado State University. It combines the efforts of the Colorado Water Institute and CSU Water Center to lead interdisciplinary research, education, and...

A global network initiated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2019 links diverse stakeholders to expedite clean and efficient cooling actions. Its key initiatives include reducing greenhouse gas...