Subject: Water Security

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54 results returned.
A global membership collaboration that contributes "to the sustainability of local water resources through their adoption and promotion of a universal framework for the sustainable use of water that drives,...

It represents State, Interstate, and Territorial leaders responsible for implementing surface water protection programs across the United States. The organization has focused on monitoring, setting standards, assessment, permitting, compliance, and...

The UNEP program for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Management includes 23 affiliated networks & 1000 member organizations. They are mostly engaged in capacity development of professionals in public and...

It is a research center with the aim of being part of a global network of water researchers, educators, and policymakers to support water education, strengthen water governance, and promote...

A research center with the focus to advance water security and cultivate cooperation by building a unified body of laws, policies, practices, and standards that ensure the availability of water...

It combines the efforts of the Colorado Water Institute and CSU Water Center to lead interdisciplinary research, education, and engagement on pressing water issues in Colorado and beyond. CoWC is...

Is an international coalition of over 260 civil society organizations campaigning in 60 countries at global, regional and national level “to end the water and sanitation crisis for all.” It...

Is an international natural research station operated by the International Institute of Sustainable Development since 2014 after being defunded by the Government of Canada in 2012. ELA is “comprised of...

A joint Project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the University of Geneva working under the motto “Hydropolitics Towards Peace and Security.”  As of 2017, it became...

A joint Project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the University of Geneva working under the motto “Hydropolitics Towards Peace and Security.”  As of 2017, it became...