Organization Type: Certifying

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25 results returned.
The USDA-approved program promotes farm animal welfare, outdoor access and sustainability and prides itself on being one of the top 5 fastest growing certifications in the United States. It promotes...

It works on the conjecture that "the current state of our planet requires innovation, creative problem solving and discovering new ways of doing business that value the natural resources we...

A certification body that promotes responsible production, processing and trading of soy on a global level. Their mission is to encourage that “current and future soybean is produced in a...

It is transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. It does so by focusing on business standards. As such, it has become known for certifying...

It aims to "promote and support real-life farming models to the public and offer practical guidance on achieving truly sustainable livestock farming systems to farmers and ranchers." Certifications: Certified Animal...