Subject: Security

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522 results returned.
A peacebuilding initiative produced at the Geneva Center for Security Policy in 2017 and incorporated in Canada as a non-profit. It "aims to localize and feminize the peace process by...

Outlines a framework to address the unprecedented risks and foresight associated with climate change. The framework emphasizes the importance of a "Responsibility to Prepare" (R2P2) for international security institutions and...

A global intelligence and security consultancy that identifies, assesses, and operates in high-risk, high-opportunity environments.  Staffed by decorated and experienced officers from the intelligence sector (FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6), the...

The UN Security Council and Climate Change elaborated by the Security Council Report, explores the intersection between Climate Change and International Security. Discusses the possibility of engagement that the UN...

"The Universe of Human Security" by Edmundo Oliveira delves into the concept of human security - protecting individuals and communities from threats such as conflict, crime, and natural disasters. The...

It focuses on U.S. foreign policy in the Near East, aiming to promote a balanced understanding of American interests in the Middle East and advocate their protection. The institute regularly...

An association of governmental organizations, churches, development agencies, civil society networks, and political foundations working towards peace and development. It pools "experience-based knowledge, peace policy expertise and consultation" with the...

The 12 experts consider climate-related risks in seven world regions and a security risk perception survey of 56 other experts worldwide, 1 year, 10 years, and 20 years from 2020....

The World Climate and Security Report 2021 is a flagship publication of the International Military Council on Climate and Security (IMCCS), "a group of senior military leaders, security experts, and...

A "joint network by the University of the Arctic and the Northern Research Forum." It aims to combine "Studies on Geopolitics and Security Studies then draw up a holistic picture...