Subject: Finance

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189 results returned.
It is dedicated to identifying and supporting the most effective solutions to the world's most serious issues. Creates grants and investments to promote global health, prevent pandemics, alleviate animal suffering,...

It brings collaborators and leads innovators, entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and think leaders together. It has an aim to reimagine how startups are funded by developing a new, more diverse cohort...

It focuses on global health, animal welfare, and climate change, giving grants to NGOs and individuals and invest in socially responsible businesses. It is a charitable organisation initiative of the...

An annual event called “Davos in the Desert” hosted by the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia, “to drive growth opportunity, enable innovation and disruptive technologies, and address global challenges.”...

Is "an independent, private, investment management partnership" that has built a "global research platform in order to integrate sustainability research into fundamental financial analysis." It conducts its investments based on...

The "international Sustainability Analytics, Solutions and Insights firm" works at the "intersection of Sustainability, Big Data Analytics, & Intelligent Computing." Their aim is to create a world "in which governments...

“An independent network of banks using finance to deliver sustainable economic, social and environmental development.” It also provides learning and development opportunities for senior executives and talented banking professionals at...

A climate policy initiative designed to "provide a financial reward for climate mitigation services, maximize social and ecological co-benefits, and achieve a safe climate." Furthermore, is "managed with internationally coordinated...

The Global Economic Prospects 2023 report by the World Bank offers a comprehensive analysis of the global economy and its prospects for growth. Notably, it is projected to significantly slow...

It offers an in-depth analysis of the upcoming year's global economic outlook. It indicates a potentially weak half-decade performance in the global economy, the worst in 30 years, with growth...