Geographic Focus: Outlook

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1436 results returned.
A South African NGO using lessons from South Africa's shift from apartheid to democracy to foster inclusive and democratic African societies. It contributes to post-conflict stability and good governance by...

A non-profit in Belgrade, Serbia, dedicated to human rights and addressing mass rights violations. It educates on war crimes, challenges false narratives, and promotes the rule of law. It commemorates...

An independent organization that funds democracy-supporting initiatives in regions like the European Neighbourhood, Turkey, and the Western Balkans. It has backed many projects across 18 countries in areas such as...

A non-profit that promotes credible elections, citizen participation, and robust African political institutions. Initially focused on South Africa post-Apartheid, EISA now supports wider democratic governance, working with governmental bodies, civil...

Africa's first development agency, implementing the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Its goal is to transform Africa through projects that translate strategic development frameworks into national priorities, knowledge sharing, and partnerships...

An independent think tank aiming to enhance governance in Lebanon and the Arab region. LCPS focuses on policy development in areas like political representation, transparency in the oil and gas...

Promotes economic growth, peace, and stability by increasing accountability and inclusivity. They anticipate future governance challenges, assist in institutional transformation and reform, and focus on governance standardization, market engagement, and...

Founded by Canada and supported by nine other governments, specializes in developing and sharing knowledge on federal and decentralized governance, particularly in post-conflict and devolution scenarios. Its objective is to...

A global standard enhancing transparency in managing oil, gas, and mineral resources. It promotes citizens' ownership of natural resources, strengthens governance, fosters accountability, and provides data for extractive sector policy...

A global partnership aimed at combating urban poverty and promoting the role of cities. The alliance supports strategies to help governments formulate policies, enhance skills and capacity, and conduct strategic...