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1364 results returned.
Its main objective is to protect biodiversity. It aims to incorporate biodiversity into people's everyday lives by providing assistance and financial support for local, alternative, and impactful initiatives worldwide. The...

It specializes in identifying and predicting the spread of misinformation and disinformation on social media platforms. It publishes reports that examine the dissemination of hostile ideological content based on data...

The UN Office in Geneva has created a mapping tool to showcase the expertise of international organizations, NGOs, and institutions in Geneva related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This...

It is focused on integrated and harmonized solutions for chemical-environmental safety, security, and industry cybersecurity. The organization aims to identify, operationalize, and internationalize best practices, capacity building, standards, and regulatory...

An organization dedicated to improving food security, nutrition, and well-being. The institute focuses on influencing policy changes in agriculture, nutrition, and food security, emphasizing the importance of understanding national policy-making...

It's main objective is to promote research and education in international relations. AMO is a platform for academics, business professionals, policymakers, diplomats, media, and NGOs to engage in open and...

It conducts independent research and analysis on policy issues. It aims to contribute to informed public debates and focuses on areas such as European policy, social policy, civil society, migration...

It specializes in international relations, foreign policy, and regional studies. Their research covers a wide range of topics, including security, armament, economy, energy industry, hybrid war, NATO, nuclear weapons, human...

It's goal is to analyze social, political, economic, foreign policy, legal, and cultural issues of public interest. The institute researches public policies and their impacts, publishes and shares its findings,...

The primary mission of the JHGC is to raise awareness about genocide, focusing on educating the public about the Holocaust and the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. The center also explores...