Subject: Societal Divisions

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149 results returned.
Outlines the establishment and objectives of the Global Futures Platform, an initiative to address escalating global threats and harness emerging technologies for a sustainable future. It's a collaborative effort involving...

Argues for placing children 0-18 years old, at the center of the Sustainable Development Goals and the heart of the concept of sustainability. The health and future of every child...

It is focused on delivering high-quality education, empowering children and young people by giving them the tools they need to start social and financial enterprises. It develops high-quality curricula for...

A "U.S. non-profit organization with a mission of supporting women leaders and future women leaders in developing countries (with a current focus on Afghanistan)." Programs: Long-distance Empowerment Programs The English...

It works to "protect the rainforest and advance the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. To this end, it partners up with "indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns...

It is a provider of technical and professional conferences and continuing education, publishing civil engineering content, and being an authoritative source for codes and standards that protect the public. One...

It works to ensure the promotion and enhancement of women’s leadership in all aspects of development with particular emphasis on political participation, peace and security. To this end, it actively...

It collaborates with partner organizations globally. Its efforts are grounded in grassroots work, which informs and guides its advocacy to bring about change on a global scale. Works towards ending...

A collaborative think tank aiming to facilitate regional political and social reforms. It promotes inclusive democracy, equal citizenship, social justice, and environmental justice. ARI conducts research, policy analysis, and dialogues...

Arctic Council (1996, Tromso, Norway; 15 staff; It provides a means for "promoting cooperation, coordination and interaction among the Arctic States, with the involvement of the Arctic Indigenous communities...