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1340 results returned.
Its main objective is to protect biodiversity. It aims to incorporate biodiversity into people's everyday lives by providing assistance and financial support for local, alternative, and impactful initiatives worldwide. The...

It specializes in identifying and predicting the spread of misinformation and disinformation on social media platforms. It publishes reports that examine the dissemination of hostile ideological content based on data...

The UN Office in Geneva has created a mapping tool to showcase the expertise of international organizations, NGOs, and institutions in Geneva related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This...

It is focused on integrated and harmonized solutions for chemical-environmental safety, security, and industry cybersecurity. The organization aims to identify, operationalize, and internationalize best practices, capacity building, standards, and regulatory...

A part of the Office of Engagement at Colorado State University. It combines the efforts of the Colorado Water Institute and CSU Water Center to lead interdisciplinary research, education, and...

An organization that connects farmers worldwide, regardless of gender, farm size, type, or location. To achieve this, the GFN identifies, engages, and supports strong farmer leaders worldwide who can work...

It's focus is on international affairs, with an aim to produce top-tier scholarship, cultivate future leaders, and influence policymaking to address upcoming global challenges. It is a university-wide research and...

It assists individuals and institutions in making ethical decisions through higher education and policy engagement from cross-cultural and global perspectives. They integrate academic and public engagements to achieve this goal,...

It is focused on increasing access to literature and promoting diversity within the publishing industry. They initiate projects that empower individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds and impoverished communities to share their...

It's primary mission is to bolster civil society activism in advocating for women's rights, peace, and human security in regions affected by conflict, transition, and restricted political environments. It strives...