Geographic Focus: Asia Pacific

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20 results returned.
The Nautilus Institute is a public policy think-tank that strives to "build peace, create security, and restore sustainability." To that end, it "convenes a community of scholars and practitioners who...

The managed trust fund "works closely with secondary cities in Asia and the Pacific to address gaps in infrastructure development and financing." It supports "infrastructure projects that emphasize poverty reduction,...

An "inter-governmental security forum held annually by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)" convening defence and military heads from 28 Asia Pacific states including the United States and Russia....

The foundation aims to "contribute to bringing about the "good life" for democratic societies through a culture of excellence and global competitiveness."  To this end, it "initiates research and analysis...

RECOFTC is a non-profit organization, which envisions a "future where people live equitably and sustainably in and beside healthy, resilient forests." With this in mind, they take a "long-term, landscape-based...

The nonprofit research organization seeks to "seeks to guide decision makers toward a more secure Asia by the century’s mid-point. To this end, it is "focused on promoting American values...

It's conducting "policy development and strategic research for environmental measures, reflecting the results of research into political decisions for realising sustainable development both in the Asia-Pacific region and globally." It...

It is a global initiative, which is focused in spreading the values of biodiversity and ecosystem services into decision-making at all levels. To do so, it follows a structured approach...

Is an “academic and scientific forum of Asia-Pacific” working on “global warming and climate change in relation to energy security issues.” It “calls for strong and committed cooperations and participation...

Provides analysis to policymakers and the general public with the goal to promote safe places for dialog. Focuses on migration flows and integration policy related to labor markets, educational outcomes,...