Subject: Migration

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27 results returned.
Provides a comprehensive overview of key legal and policy developments and statistical trends in migration and asylum across the European Union (EU) and associated countries. It highlights important progress in...

It specializes in peace and conflict studies, conducting empirical research, foster dialogue, and offer expertise in militarization, peacebuilding, small arms, and forced migration. It publishes the Global Militarisation Index and...

It focuses on comparative analyses of international migration and refugee movements, particularly on cross-national research. Its primary objective is to compare the immigration experience of the United States with that...

It's dedicated to studying international migration, with a focus on the USA. It publishes estimates on the size and characteristics of the US undocumented and naturalization-eligible populations at national, state,...

Climate and Migration Coalition is an “an alliance of refugee, human rights, development and environmental organizations” led by the charitable company Climate Outreach. It is dedicated to protecting and supporting...

An independent, non-profit and created to bring attention and action to help people displaced across borders as a result of climate change. The organization defends the rights of people that...

An alliance dedicated "to protect and advance the rights of refugees, asylum-seekers and other forcibly displaced persons in Europe and in Europe’s external policies." Its members’ work "covers the full...

It is an independent social science research institute. It analyzes political, social, and economic developments in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, and links this knowledge to questions...

The Forum is an "informal, non-binding, voluntary and government-led process", which brings together "expertise from all regions and countries at all stages of economic, social and political development." It has...

It is devoted to the study of human security; promoting "research and education on the overlaps between humanitarianism, development, human rights, and conflict resolution."It also "seeks to connect academia with...