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A recent Special Report by the International Pane for Climate Change summarizing >6,000 studies. It focuses on impacts of 1.5°C warming above preindustrial levels, with comparisons to 2.0°C warming.  The...

It “aims to further critical research on both the science and governance of solar geoengineering.” To accomplish this, it wants to produce research that pushes the technology frontier by improving...

It's against bioengineering, stating that "geoengineering perpetuates the false belief that today ’s unjust, ecologically- and socially-devastating industrial model of production and consumption cannot be changed and that we therefore...

A research and incubation facility of joint projects, partners, and networks working to accelerate the energy transition. It is located in the BREEAM Award-winning and 100% sustainable ‘Energy Academy Building’....

A “journalistic collaboration” of six Mother Jones staff members; reprints climate change articles from Mother Jones, HuffPost, The Guardian, The Atlantic, and 13 other collaborators. Their Journalism is focused on...

It is a monitoring tool and an indicator of the “frequency of extreme weather and the extent of sea level change.”  It uses a compound variable based on six indicators:...

Ernst U. von Weizsäcker (b.1939) is a German scientist and politician, co-president of The Club of Rome since 2012, and former co-chair of UNEP’s International Resource Panel.  He served as...

Peter Wadhams (b.1948) is Professor of Ocean Physics and Head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group at the University of Cambridge.  He has been a polar researcher for 47 years,...

Mathis Wackernagel (b.1962) is founder and CEO of the Global Footprint Network, a sustainability think tank with 19 staff and offices in Oakland (CA), Brussels, and Geneva.  Its mission is...

Mankombu S. Swaminathan (b.1925) is an Indian geneticist, renowned for leading India’s Green Revolution developing higher-yielding varieties of wheat. He is founding Chairman of the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation...