Subject: Indexes

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20 results returned.
It is a monitoring tool and an indicator of the “frequency of extreme weather and the extent of sea level change.”  It uses a compound variable based on six indicators:...

It has entrepreneurs, engineers, and scientists, and designers working to extract carbon from the air; working to support the global carbon negative community with networking, education, inspiration and access to...

It is "focused on environmental data science and analysis"; supplying comprehensive open-source global air pollution data and highly accessible global temperature data that is "timely, unbiased, and verified." It also...

A free e-infrastructure offering access to harmonized global datasets. Hosted at the University of Gothenburg, Demscore combines leading research infrastructures and databases to create a data hub with easy access...

It promotes corporate sustainability to create long-term value by evaluating the sustainability performance of publicly trading companies; providing a main global index, the DJSI World, and various indexes based on...

The Dow Jones Sustainability World Index "comprises global sustainability leaders as identified by SAM. It represents the top 10% of the largest 2,500 companies in the S&P Global BMI based...

Underscores an escalating risk to global ecological systems. In particular, it points out the expanding ecological threats that affect biodiversity and planetary health. Given these challenges, the report stresses the...

It reviews the EU's progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It highlights stalled progress and challenges, particularly in responsible consumption and climate action. Moreover, it emphasizes the need for...

The report outlines 10 priority actions for incoming EU leadership to expedite SDG implementation in Europe and globally. It thoughtfully evaluates the SDG progress of 38 countries, with Finland, Sweden,...

Is a non-profit, non-political, and non-partisan organization working with governments, businesses, and civil society organizations. The index aims to "disrupt, defund, and down-rank disinformation sites." Its "research methodologies and findings...