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20 scientists started the science-based cross-sector collaboration from Stockholm Resilience Centre, Future Earth, the World Wildlife Fund, and other organizations. It highlights 36 solutions with the exponential scaling potential to...

A sustainability-focused venture capital firm for start-ups and young companies contributing to environmental sustainability.  Sustainability is seen as “fundamentally about making things better: more efficient, more functional, less toxic, less...

It focuses on the role of data in poverty eradication and sustainable development; striving to enable decisions that are “underpinned by good quality, transparent data and evidence on poverty and...

It builds tools, systems, and dashboards that make development data easier to gather, use, and understand; enhancing transparency and efficiency in agriculture, health, extractives, information management, and cross-cutting global policy...

Initiated by the United Nations Environment Programme "to halt the continuing loss of biodiversity." The website offers a large amount of information on related subjects and international and national developments...

A strategic communications institute that aims to highlight climate change factors and impacts and inform about positive and negative policies as well as international mitigation efforts. This project is funded...

The EU’s main climate innovation initiative, “working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy.” It focuses on urban transitions, sustainable production systems, decision metrics & finance, and sustainable land...

A non-profit climate science and policy institute that tries to “synthesize and advance scientific knowledge in the area of climate change and link it with policy analysis.” It focuses on...

An association that promotes “the widespread development of smart, local, and clean energy technologies” involving solar and energy storage. It applies policy development, education and networking to impact local communities...

 A voluntary initiative that aims to catalyze "action towards the successful implementation of carbon pricing around the world." It was founded at COP21 by World Bank & IMF to shift...