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A research and advisory firm "dedicated to advancing and applying Behavioral Science in the pursuit of poverty alleviation."  

The UNTFHS "finances activities carried out by the UN system to deliver comprehensive, cross-sectoral and preventive responses to complex and multidimensional challenges." Additionally, it works with The Human Security Unit...

It's "working on development, conflict transformation and security"; operating worldwide on issues such as inclusive leadership, prevention of violent extremism and conflict transformation and the nexus between security, development and...

A UN think-tank conducting research on "risks and adaptation related to environmental hazards and global change." It offers "a joint master's of science degree with the University of Bonn, titled...

A platform for research and a forum for sharing perspectives and experiences. It explores "the intersections between the historically separate fields of humanitarianism, development, human rights, and conflict resolution". Topics:...

An international not-for-profit foreign policy think-tank advancing "people-centered, multi-sectoral, comprehensive, context-specific, and prevention-oriented solutions." It works across "many sectors to integrate the agendas of peace and security, development, and human...

A public platform co-chaired by IFRC and UNHCR at the global level. It is an Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) coordination mechanism that provides "people affected by natural disasters and internally...

A registered charity that serves "immigrants, refugees, migrants and mainstream communities in Greater Vancouver and the Fraser Valley as well as throughout the province of BC and overseas via online...

Is a group that aims to "safeguard, strengthen and rebuild the natural and infrastructural livelihoods of humankind for both present and future generations." Specifically, this means the "improvement and creation...

Refugee Council USA (2000; Washington, DC; A diverse coalition of 29 US-based NGOs supporting refugee resettlement and integration and promoting efforts to "protect and welcome refugees, asylees, asylum-seekers, and...