Subject: Adaptation

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13 results returned.
The United Nations Environment Programme's Adaptation Gap Report 2023 indicates a critical lack of investment and planning for climate adaptation, placing the world at risk. The report emphasizes the widening...

A non-profit organization founded in 1988 to improve relations between America and the nations of Eurasia, encompassing both Europe and Asia. It offers various programs promoting civil society, international security,...

It funds global environmental change research. In October 2009, the Belmont Forum became the Council of Principals for the International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research (IGFA), replacing...

Makes use of the abundance of expertise and experience at the University of Arizona in order to link decision-making, the information needs of managers, and science in its continuous efforts...

It is an independent, non-governmental organization dedicated to the sustainable use of Namibia’s environment. It was established to support research but also to address sustainable development throughout arid lands. It tackles issues...

The article "Evolution of the Polycrisis: Anthropocene Traps That Challenge Global Sustainability" provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges posed by the polycrisis in the Anthropocene and offers insights into...

A worldwide platform run by the United Nations Environment Programme. It aims to "share the knowledge necessary for climate adaptation and resilience, especially for vulnerable communities and ecosystems." It acts...

The solutions-broker brings stakeholders together from the public and private sector, civil society, and knowledge institutions to help societies become more resilient and adapt to climate-related threats. Programs areas: Food...

It aims to deliver climate adaptation solutions. To this end, it brings together the world's climate and adaptation experts and provides a "broad range of climate-related services to both government...

The paper Global Warming in the Pipeline argues the urgent need for comprehensive action to combat global warming and lessen its possible effects on societies and ecosystems. In this sense,...