24 results returned.
Polycrisis: Probable; Remedies: Possible A wide variety of organizations and individuals have recently warned of multiple global crises. Some have used the term “polycrisis,” defined by the Cascade Institute...
Development, Disasters, Energy, Environment, Risks, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goals
This report is an annual responsibility of the WMO under the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Early warning systems (EWS) are a top...
It is a community of experts dedicated to protecting the environment and identifying ways to live better on a changing planet. It provides an evidence base and solutions to tackle...
Disasters, Education/Training, Environment, Food Security, Low-Carbon/ Decarbonisation, Policy, Public Sector/ Government, Water
Climate and Migration Coalition is an “an alliance of refugee, human rights, development and environmental organizations” led by the charitable company Climate Outreach. It is dedicated to protecting and supporting...
Looks into the "frequency, severity, damage — and costs — from severe weather events". The EDF finds a steadily worsening trend due to the effects of man-made climate change. Weather-based...
It "provides a cooperative framework for local government, companies, and citizens to improve the preparedness of the local community for future natural hazards" and "offers disaster mitigation training courses for...
It was created by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) "in response to devastating famines in East and West Africa" and provides "unbiased, evidence-based analysis to governments and...
A nonprofit research and technology group "whose mission is to define and communicate America’s flood risk based on the highest standards of scientific investigation and analysis." They use a "transparent,...
The Gender and Disaster Network is an "educational and advocacy project initiated by women and men interested in gender relations in disaster contexts." It strives to building and sustaining "an...
GeoHazards International is a non-profit organization working to "end preventable death and suffering from natural disasters." It "helps communities in which people are highly vulnerable and there is little capacity...