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International Scientific Congress “Globalistics 2017” (2009; Moscow) An annual congress organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences and UNESCO at the Lomonosov State University, with the goal “to develop international...

It “aims to further critical research on both the science and governance of solar geoengineering.” To accomplish this, it wants to produce research that pushes the technology frontier by improving...

It's against bioengineering, stating that "geoengineering perpetuates the false belief that today ’s unjust, ecologically- and socially-devastating industrial model of production and consumption cannot be changed and that we therefore...

A research and incubation facility of joint projects, partners, and networks working to accelerate the energy transition. It is located in the BREEAM Award-winning and 100% sustainable ‘Energy Academy Building’....

A “journalistic collaboration” of six Mother Jones staff members; reprints climate change articles from Mother Jones, HuffPost, The Guardian, The Atlantic, and 13 other collaborators. Their Journalism is focused on...

It is a monitoring tool and an indicator of the “frequency of extreme weather and the extent of sea level change.”  It uses a compound variable based on six indicators:...

“As goes the Arctic so goes the Earth.” The AMEG Declaration of Emergency (revised, Sept 2012) declares that “there now exists an extremely high international security risk of acute climate...

“Investing in Our Planet.” The financial mechanism for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, in partnership with the Montreal Protocol of the...

Thee UNFPA's vision is "a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled." Focuses especially on women's reproductive rights and gender...

The an open access journal that publishes research about environmental challenges and sustainability.