Content Type: Notable Reports

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This detailed report covers Apple's environmental initiatives and experiences through the 2019 fiscal year, i.e., September 2019. It covers Apple's efforts to address climate change, the resources it uses, and...

Formed in Jan 2019, the Committee held >1000 meetings with stakeholders and 17 official hearings.  “American leadership and ingenuity are central to solving the climate crisis.”  Despite the COVID-19 pandemic,...

A handbook by the 8-member Massachusetts Testing, Tracing, and Supported Isolation (MA TTSI) collaborative.  TTSI seeks to enable a safe and free society by providing an end-to-end framework with scaled-up...

A national and state-by-state flood models presented are the "culmination of decades of research and development" from "a multitude of resources and techniques"  that "builds on previously peer-reviewed scientific research."...

This document aims to explain the work of the UNCCD, drawing on relevant developments in policy and practical examples of actions that can be to tackle land degradation and drought...

Masks, gloves, gowns, and other protective equipment produced by hospitals, healthcare facilities, and individuals can be infected with the virus, leading to public health risks.  Nine 1-2p Factsheets are available....

Proposes a five-phase plan to combat COVID-19 and reopen America, following an “all of society” approach recognizing that recovery “must proceed expeditiously” and that success requires coordination among all levels...

In the post-corona world, "renewable energy is more cost-effective than ever – providing an opportunity to prioritize clean energy in economic recovery packages and bring the world closer to meeting...

An "experimental adaptation" of the annual INFORM Epidemic Risk Index in face of the global COVID-19 pandemic. It surveys “countries at risk from health and humanitarian impacts of COVID-19 that...

Humanity’s broken relationship with nature comes at a cost, revealed in terrible ways by the COVID-19 pandemic. Humans have increasingly encroached on the natural world, resulting in escalating contact with...