Old Subject: Sustainability

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250 results returned.
A division of The Economist Group combining "the rigour of a think-tank with the creativity of a media brand to engage an influential global audience." Partners with corporations, foundations, NGOs...

A sustainability-focused venture capital firm for start-ups and young companies contributing to environmental sustainability.  Sustainability is seen as “fundamentally about making things better: more efficient, more functional, less toxic, less...

EcoWatch "is a leading environmental news site engaging millions of concerned individuals every month." Thus, it "provides original content from a team of reporters and features insights from prominent environmental...

Paul Ekins (b.1950) is a British leader in sustainable economics.  He is Deputy Director of the UK Energy Research Centre, Professor of Resources and Environmental Policy and Director of the...

Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (2014; Eschborn, Germany; 18 staff; emsdialogues.org) A network of "change agents and decision-makers from think tanks, multinational corporations, and the financial sector."  It aims to foster...

A non-profit organization focused "on the crucial role of clean energy to ensure a sustainable future for all." Conducts "research to explore the implications of global challenges in the energy...

Is a "nonprofit network of over 1,750 engineers, working to build a better world through hands-on projects." ESW is "an umbrella organization with chapters established at over 50 colleges, universities,...

The nonprofit humanitarian organization was established to "support community-driven development programs worldwide through partnerships that design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while providing transformative experiences that enrich global perspectives and...

The non-profit organization is run by dedicated volunteers, with a "grassroots online community that unites hundreds of organizations and volunteers around the world with millions of people in almost every...

A governmental agency informing "Canadians about protecting and conserving our natural heritage, and ensuring a clean, safe and sustainable environment for present and future generations." Publications: Subscription service Resources