Old Subject: Sustainability

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250 results returned.
Part of Regis University, it seeks to "foster the development of sustainable economic enterprises honoring humanity and the Earth through education, collaborative scholarship and convening." Thus, it aims to "play...

The research institute “supports citizens, NGOs, businesses, regions and governments to live good lives and be economically successful using fewer resources." It believes that a "good life for all is...

It works to :shift sustainability from niche to mainstream in the food system. We work with our partners in the following ways to deliver impact faster, continuously innovating and sharing...

Funded by "the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Scottish Government", it offers “evidence-based advice to policy-makers about...

An international initiative launched at "The World Economic Forum 2020 Annual Meeting in Davos with a mission to kickstart bold and imaginative action across the next decade." Focused "to lead...

The project aims to facilitate sustainable prosperity in Europe by working to "liberate economic and political stability from the need of continuous economic growth." Their website was built with the...

It aims to "drive sustainability" in the commodity sector "by convening companies, civil society organizations, governments and others in public-private partnerships." To this end, it "designs, co-funds and prototypes new...

It is a "coalition of individuals and supporting organizations who work toward a world that is environmentally sustainable, socially just and spiritually fulfilling". Their work is dedicated to educating, inspiring,...

Is a project of Monday Morning (Mandag morgen), a Copenhagen think tank. It seeks to mature markets and sectors for sustainable products and services by equipping decision-makers and citizens with...

It "focuses on environmental and sustainable development issues", producing quality work that meets standards in both policy research and local-level change. It communicates and promotes change for a better environment...