Old Subject: Natural Capital

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6 results returned.
Established by Charles, Prince of Wales, and his Prince of Wales's Charitable Foundation, it aims to inspire action by finance leaders to drive a fundamental shift towards resilient business models...

An institute of the University of Cambridge that works on "developing leadership and solutions for a sustainable economy." Their Rewiring the Economy framework puts forward a pathway to align our...

A 501c3 non-profit organization. It "uses natural capital valuation to help decision makers and local stakeholders understand the value of natural capital assets."  It works to identify and quantify those...

Is a "global, multi-stakeholder collaboration that brings together leading global initiatives and organizations to harmonize approaches to natural capital." It strives to "achieve a shift in corporate behavior to preserve...

It is a global initiative, which is focused in spreading the values of biodiversity and ecosystem services into decision-making at all levels. To do so, it follows a structured approach...

It combined " lively and engaging plenary sessions, featuring high-profile and influential speakers", supporting the importance of "natural capital" for business. The Natural Capital is  "the world’s stocks of natural...