Old Subject: Food System Transformation

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11 results returned.
Is a U.S. non-profit public interest and environmental advocacy organization that has been fighting the industrial food model which uses harmful food production technologies for twenty years. Instead, it promotes...

The organization "campaigns peacefully to end all factory farming practices" to end cruel factory farming. It is "is dedicated to reforming a broken food and farming system and introducing a...

It was founded by the Stordalen Foundation, the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Welcome Trust “to catalyze a food system transformation” to feed a growing global population with healthy food....

A biotechnology company aimed at cultured fish. It "offers options for all palates and dietary preferences, providing consumers with a range of responsibly produced food products to diversify their daily...

The FAO is "an intergovernmental organization with 194 Member Nations, two associate members and one member organization, the European Union." Works to "generate, develop and adapt existing tools and guidelines...

Otherwise, the Institute for Food and Development Policy works to end the injustices that cause hunger. They have realised they must work towards political transformation to realise their vision. Food...

It was "launched at the UN in 2002 to tackle the human suffering caused by malnutrition" to transform food systems to make "healthier food choices more affordable, more available, and...

A non-profit aiming to create “a Healthy, Humane, and Sustainable Food Supply.” Works with scientists, investors, and entrepreneurs, with a focus on clean meat and plant-based alternatives to animal products....

It works to “transform the global food system by creating better ways to make meat, dairy and fish without using animals -- delicious, good for people, and good for the...

Is a non-profit organization "focused on developing perennial grains, pulses and oilseed-bearing plants to be grown in ecologically intensified, diverse crop mixtures known as perennial polycultures". Its goal is "to...