Subject: Sustainability

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Winrock International focuses on U.S. and international development, providing solutions to some of the world’s most complex social, agricultural and environmental challenges. Their mission is to "empower the disadvantaged, increase...

It believes that a sustainable future and environment needs holistic solutions reflecting the lives of people on the ground. That is why it works on transformative gender equality and women’s...

It aims to advance sustainability by providing "professional women who are engaged in creating a financially, environmentally, and socially sustainable future." This gives the women the opportunity to "professionally support...

It "explores solutions that affirm universal human rights and serve the interests of all humanity".  The Academy serves as "a forum for reflective scientists, artists, and scholars dedicated to addressing...

It explores the role of business in relation to critical moral, environmental, and social issues of our time" with the aim to "provide the public with information and resources about...

The World Future Council was formed to "speak on behalf of policy solutions that serve the interests of future generations", focusing on identifying and spreading effective, future-just policy solutions. It...

It aims to accelerate sustainability in the built environment, and is committed to achieving the following goals: Limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees Celsius Eliminate the building and construction sector’s...

The Economist Group's World Ocean Initiative sponsors these annual conferences (since 2013).  They are working to enable transition to a “blue” sustainable ocean economy, using research and publication on three vectors:...

Mission: to identify critical emerging global issues and give voice to new global perspectives and policy solutions from a progressive and global point of view, with focus on “an inclusive...

It works closely with leaders to "turn big ideas into action to sustain a healthy environment—the foundation of economic opportunity and human well-being.” And seeks to move human society to...