Subject: Public Planning

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69 results returned.
It is responsible for designing, constructing, managing, and maintaining the main infrastructure facilities in the Netherlands. The government organisation aims to make the Netherlands safe, secure, attractive, and accessible, focusing...

A multinational aerospace and defense company working on "cutting-edge technologies that deliver clean, safe and competitive solutions to meet our planet’s vital power needs." It "designs, manufactures and distributes power...

It is a non-profit organization that aims to promote a movement for knowledge-led change toward greater freedom and prosperity. Its core mission is to conduct rigorous, relevant, and independent research...

Is an "international, multi-stakeholder partnership that enables collaborative knowledge and action for sustainable, low carbon transport and brings the voice of the movement into international climate change and sustainability processes."...

Interdisciplinary research facilitating understanding of the financing, development, and governance of critical infrastructure worldwide. Programs: Seminar Series Digital Cities Summit P3 Water Sector Executive Education Advanced Project Management Program Infrastructure...

A think tank for sustainability working "across disciplines that match the complexity of cities to address sustainability challenges." Shares its "expertise with scholars, policymakers, community leaders, and project partners" through...

A real estate investment, development and asset management firm working socially responsible real estate investment through the confluence of environmental, social and investment value. Publications: News  

The Innaxis Foundation and Research Institute "is a private, non-profit research institute that addresses complex scientific challenges of significant social and economic impact." It focuses on finding solutions to problems...

Curates and disseminates transdisciplinary conversations about green city making to "create cities worldwide that are resilient, sustainable, livable and just." Activities:  a virtual magazine  featuring the diverse work and ideas...

A multi-purpose organization that "exists to inspire and empower a global community to make the world safer through resilient infrastructure." Its work approach is "through learning by doing in collaboration...