Subject: Politics

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402 results returned.
The goal of the Center is to strengthen and reorient transatlantic relations to the dynamics of a globalizing world. Its activities include seminars and lectures, media programs and web-based activities,...

It advocates for the UN's constitutionalization; aiming to affirm peoples' global rights and thoroughly examining the United Nations' various international treaties and programs and advocate for the establishment of more...

A research center that aims to produce evidence-based research to address the world's most critical energy and climate issues. It accomplishes this by conducting high-quality research, providing a platform for...

A non-profit research center dedicated "to enhancing international responses to the countries and issues most important to conflict prevention and recovery." Consequently, it engages directly and thoroughly with "multilateral institutions...

It promotes scholarly work on the challenges and dilemmas posed by sustainable development. As an international research center it possesses broad social and environmental sustainability expertise. It uses an interdisciplinary...

It conducts independent research on the political, economic, and social situation in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. It was created in response to the...

It aims to "contribute to the policy making process within and outside Turkey by producing and disseminating research on the policy areas that are shaping Turkey’s position within the emerging...

A think-tank devoted to strengthening European Union. They perceive: “European integration as largely beneficial but, in many respects, the Union does not work well….It should take on more responsibilities globally,...

An “independent, non-partisan think tank whose peer-reviewed research and trusted analysis influence policy makers to innovate.” CIGI “addresses significant global issues at the intersection of technology and international governance.” It...

A research hub for international affairs research and debate in Canada. It disseminates information "about contemporary global issues as well as international policy issues in Canada" and its role in...