Subject: Politics

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407 results returned.
Global Relations Forum (2009; Istanbul; 9 Staff; The forum advocates a global order of shared influence and accountability and seeks a constructive role for Turkey in that order. It...

The policy forum that "brings together leading think tanks and stakeholders to provide policy solutions to the most relevant global institutions." It "proposes policy responses to major global problems, generated...

The think tank is built around the expertise of Greg Treverton, director of the National Intelligence Council (2014-2017), and based on  several assumptions: "Technological advances both drive and exacerbate global...

Although terrorist incidents decreased in 2024, regrettably, fatalities rose by 22%, the highest since 2017. Despite less activity in the West, parts of Africa and the Middle East were still...

It uses the law for a better world, seeing it as a practical tool for positive change that "can make amazing things happen." Issues: No-one left behind Upholding democracy Protecting...

It is dedicated to the "study of world affairs, with a particular emphasis on the cross-cutting fields of international relations and development issues." It aims "to promote international cooperation and...

It supports community-led sustainable development projects, working to "create a just and sustainable world by building alliances with progressive movements.” The organization “provides grants to our Global South partners and...

A grassroots volunteering network initiated by the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, which is protecting the Delaware River Watershed. It strives to "pursue and secure constitutional protection of environmental rights in states...

Is an “independent and non-partisan journal” that works to “provide extensive coverage of the global political movements for ecological responsibility and expanded democracy.” Areas of interest: Ecology Beyond the U.S. Civic...

Their aim is to inform and activate a global audience and motivate decision-makers to effect positive change. To this end, they transform environmental data into innovative, science-based information products and...