59 results returned.
An independent, academic law and policy blog that is a collaboration between faculty at UC Berkeley School of Law and UCLA School of Law. Provides insight and analysis on energy...
Seeks to empower environmentally progressive state-lawmakers. Founded by then-Maryland Delegate Leon Billings, who had previously been the chief U.S. Senate staffer responsible for writing the Clean Water Act and the...
A non-profit that acts as an advocate for low-income immigrants to the United States. It is supported by the Ford and the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Foundations, among others....
It's working "for the protection and promotion of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international justice". Consequently, it strives to "raise awareness and foster public debate through explicitly...
Is a non-profit organization that "elevates the voice of youth and leads the federal, state, local, and international campaign to secure the legal right to a healthy atmosphere and stable...
A non-profit society that believes that “much more can and should be done to inspire, educate and equip junior lawyers and law students with the tools necessary to take on...
A not-for-profit human rights advocacy NGO. It aims to defend "persecuted health workers, prevent torture, document mass atrocities, and hold those who violate human rights accountable." Focus areas: COVID-19 Asylum...
PALF is the "result of the acknowledgment" of the need for a paradigm shift in conservation, believing that a "closer follow up of judicial procedures, from the investigations and operations,...
It's focuses on the most pressing national security issues of the day. The center's leadership and affiliated experts have published a wide range of writing, including short-form pieces, reports, issue...
It works to advocate for press freedom worldwide. RSF defends persecuted journalists by exposing any mistreatment they went through and providing them with financial aid when needed. It also documents...