Subject: Environment

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It focuses on creating research frontiers at the interface of ecology, economics and related disciplines, in order to promote a deeper understanding of the interplay between ecological systems and social...

It funds global environmental change research. In October 2009, the Belmont Forum became the Council of Principals for the International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research (IGFA), replacing...

It is "focused on environmental data science and analysis"; supplying comprehensive open-source global air pollution data and highly accessible global temperature data that is "timely, unbiased, and verified." It also...

A private foundation that reviews proposals by invitation only.  Seeks to “accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy” and to address large-scale environmental problems with market-based solutions that move communities...

In December 2020, 50 of the world’s leading biodiversity and climate experts appointed by the IPBES and IPCC held a virtual workshop "to examine the synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity...

It was established in response to the urgent global need to divert more finance from all possible sources toward international and national biodiversity goals. To achieve this end, it works...

Formerly known as the Consultative Group on Biological Diversity, BFG strives for a “just, healthy, and sustainable future for all life on Earth supported by an effective philanthropic sector.” Consequently,...

It works "to assess emerging threats to wildlife and ecosystems through collaborative research, and to use scientific findings to advance environmental awareness and inform decision makers." They especially focus on...

It provides information, advocacy, and campaigning in relation to the impact of large-scale industrial bioenergy. In the UK. it focuses on biofuel and biomass electricity; aiming to advance the education...

It has a vision of connecting "Cities and Nature." To this end, it "partners with cities, scholars and advocates from across the globe to build an understanding of the value...