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The European Citizens Initiative allows citizens to shape Europe by suggesting concrete legal changes. The focus of this initiative is on CO2, with the citizens demanding a price on CO2...

Founded on the recommendation of the Pakistan National Conservation Strategy (NCS), also called Pakistan’s Agenda 21. It is a policy research institution in Pakistan, which works on the dimensions of...

It aims to "ensure that more energy is generated by solar than any other energy source by 2030 and lead our members to make solar the core of a smart,...

The research institute seeks to "develop innovative policies and science-based solutions to water-related challenges for a water wise world where the value of water is recognized, and steps are taken...

It aims to "drive sustainability" in the commodity sector "by convening companies, civil society organizations, governments and others in public-private partnerships." To this end, it "designs, co-funds and prototypes new...

The "media platform was created for a forward-thinking community, based on advance interaction schemes." Their publishing efforts are aimed at fostering "the creation of a new international community of highly...

It was stablished to address "urgent sustainability issues facing the planet." It has developed its "own unique, action-oriented conceptual framework, which takes a holistic perspective and features cross-sector and cross-disciplinary...

It works to "showcase global applications of sustainable products, services, clean technologies, businesses and people." To this end, it "presents, promotes and makes these accessible and available to governments, businesses,...

The civil society partnership has brought together institutions that are "dealing with climate change in the Netherlands, France, Brazil, South Africa, Bangladesh and Indonesia to experiment with actual projects in...

The European based international NGO aims to provide "competent assistance for building sustainable capacity in institutions, organizations and leaders engaged in nation building and social human development." It's vision is...