Content Type: Notable Reports

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Report of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  Published annually since 2006, these essays involve 81 scientists from 12 countries reporting on the acceleration of ice melting in a...

The “gold standard” of long-term energy analysis: the annual report of the International Energy Agency, an independent arm of the OECD in Paris.  The report describes global energy trends, energy...

“Intended as a key resource in the face of increasing risks of high-consequence and globally catastrophic biological events.”  Provides 195 country profiles on health security and capabilities across six categories,...

Some 850 million people still lack access to energy.  “The Integrated Distribution Framework” is proposed, to integrate “energy access into financially sustainable utility concession agreements.  Seeking “universal energy access” to...

Includes the “expert input from more than 60 engineers and industry leaders who participated in an April 2019 workshop organized around power, industry, transport, and buildings decarbonization.” Outlines six pillars...

Introduces the concept of six transformational “building-blocks of SDG achievement: (1) education, gender and inequality; (2) health, well-being and demography; (3) energy decarbonization and sustainable industry; (4) sustainable food, land,...

This Special Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change looks into the connection between climate change and land, but also the impacts of human land use on the ecosystem....

A Report by the World Resources Institute, World Bank, UNEP, UNDP that tries to answer the question of how we can sustainably feed the nearly 10 billion people that are...

An annual report by the Food and Agriculture Organization that presents the latest estimates on food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition at the global and regional levels. The 2019 edition continues...

This report by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network has ranked 105 cities annually since 2017. The results show that there will be significant work to do across the board if...