Subject: Land Use/ Management

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28 results returned.
Net Zero commitments and the Paris Climate Accords may well be driving a massive shift Negative Emission Technologies (NETs), which are surveyed here with the intention of highlighting the private...

Published by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, this is a powerful eye-opening work by 184 authors, summarizing some 4,000 sources. Insights: Land degradation—a pervasive, systemic phenomenon...

Is a nonprofit scientific research organization striving for a “more equitable world where forestry and landscapes enhance the environment and well-being for all.” It conducts “research on the most pressing...

A research center connecting "ideas, individuals, and institutions to catalyze collaboration and amplify progress towards the imperative of our time: to conserve Earth's resilient, vital large landscapes." It aims to...

The Climate and Land Use Alliance is a “collaborative of foundations” that “seeks to realize the potential of forests and land use to mitigate climate change, benefit people, and protect...

This Special Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change looks into the connection between climate change and land, but also the impacts of human land use on the ecosystem....

It is an independent, non-governmental organization dedicated to the sustainable use of Namibia’s environment. It was established to support research but also to address sustainable development throughout arid lands. It tackles issues...

It's working to "reduce hunger, increase agricultural production, improve rural people’s lives and conserve biodiversity using an innovative whole landscape approach.” It partners up with “international organizations, regional programs, national...

It promotes sustainable land management and analyzes the economic impact of land degradation on a global scale. The initiative emphasizes the importance of sustainable land management and envisions a world...

It is dedicated to providing policymakers and the general public with the tools and evidence they need to make informed decisions about the food system. Its long-term goal is to...