85 results returned.
A global membership collaboration that contributes "to the sustainability of local water resources through their adoption and promotion of a universal framework for the sustainable use of water that drives,...
It represents State, Interstate, and Territorial leaders responsible for implementing surface water protection programs across the United States. The organization has focused on monitoring, setting standards, assessment, permitting, compliance, and...
It supports the "two Ministerial Declarations on Transnational Organized Crime in the Global Fishing Industry" by "responding to the need to cooperate and build capacity to address transnational organized crime...
The UNEP program for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Management includes 23 affiliated networks & 1000 member organizations. They are mostly engaged in capacity development of professionals in public and...
It is a research center with the aim of being part of a global network of water researchers, educators, and policymakers to support water education, strengthen water governance, and promote...
A research center with the focus to advance water security and cultivate cooperation by building a unified body of laws, policies, practices, and standards that ensure the availability of water...
It seeks to advance resource efficiency through integrated water-energy management. Its mission is to address the water-energy-climate nexus by advancing water management solutions. It identifies, develops, and tests technologies and practices to...
The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management is a “royal chartered professional body dedicated to sustainable management of the environment, globally.” It “represents and supports a community of thousands...
Focusing on water and issues relating to it, the organisation aims to inform the world’s most important decisions about water, food, and energy in a changing climate. Reporting the global...
An environmental advocacy group working to “win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table.” It organizes “strong grassroots groups, coalitions,...