Old Subject: Toxic Chemicals

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9 results returned.
It works for "a world in which – instead of toxic solvents and chemicals – industrial manufacturing used sugar, starch and sunlight as inputs. Imagine products that biodegrade into utterly...

It's advocate for sound chemicals management and environmental justice, that campaigns "for a toxics-free and environmentally just world through policy advocacy and community empowerment. It "promotes environmental justice in the...

Mission: protect human health by protecting the planet, by bringing health expertise to environmental issues in Canada in five campaigns: Pesticides, Energy and Climate Change, Organics, Green Health Care, and...

A campaigning platform with 250,000+ supporters that seeks to challenge and inspire change in government, business and people to ensure a greener, healthier and prosperous life for Canadians. Activism: Empowering...

It works on various environmental issues such as "climate, oceans, ecosystems and health." Its solutions take on a multidisciplinary approach, as it collaborates "with other organizations — as well as...

The nonpartisan, nonprofit news and science organization aims to "drive good science into public policy and public discussion on our environment and health, including climate change." They do so by...

A global network working for "a healthier world where people and the environment are no longer harmed by the production, use, and disposal of toxic chemicals." Over 600 NGOs in...

Is an organization that "fights for strong chemical policy, works with retailers to phase out hazardous chemicals, and educates the public about ways to protect families from toxic chemicals." To...

It is working toward the widespread implementation of sustainable chemistry to "enable brands and retailers in the textile, apparel, and footwear industries to implement sustainable chemical management best practice across...