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33 results returned.
It works to enhance air quality in Asia, ensuring safe breathing conditions for everyone. The campaign's strategy is to improve national emission policies and regulations. The primary focus is assisting...

Partners with institutions and leaders worldwide to address how to educate all students for global citizenship and employability. Through its programs, the CGE is working toward achieving the United Nations'...

It seeks to explain the diversity of Asia to the United States and the complexity of the United States to Asia; building bridges and helping to solve problems within the...

This "annual Summit brings together senior business leaders, chief sustainability officers, sustainability reporting experts and practitioners, standards-setters, regulators and policy-makers and other key stakeholders from within and outside Asia." You...

It works to build inclusive urban climate change resilience, which focuses on the poor and vulnerable people that are affected by climate change. It is committed to "empowering people to...

The Bank is "committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty." It works to "foster economic growth...

It helps build capacity, skills, and knowledge related to poverty reduction and other areas that support long-term growth and competitiveness in developing economies in Asia and the Pacific. Provides demand-driven...

It is focused on advancing human rights across Asia. Its paramount objective is to mobilize Asian and international public opinion to seek relief and redress for victims affected by human...

It works "to produce independent, objective, high-quality policy-relevant development research; to maximise its accessibility to policymakers, influencers and stakeholders; to have an affect on policy." It aims to influence policy...

The managed trust fund "works closely with secondary cities in Asia and the Pacific to address gaps in infrastructure development and financing." It supports "infrastructure projects that emphasize poverty reduction,...