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45 results returned.
This "inclusive, voluntary and action-oriented multi-stakeholder platform" is a division of the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN. It develops technical, policy, and investment conditions for sustainable agricultural development...

The international institute aims to deliver sustainable global food security. Its mission "is to help feed the world through transformative innovations in agriculture and food production that will benefit both...

An alliance of "humanitarian and development actors united by the commitment to tackle the root causes of food crises by promoting sustainable solutions through shared analysis and knowledge, strengthened coordination...

It supports community-led sustainable development projects, working to "create a just and sustainable world by building alliances with progressive movements.” The organization “provides grants to our Global South partners and...

An organization dedicated to improving food security, nutrition, and well-being. The institute focuses on influencing policy changes in agriculture, nutrition, and food security, emphasizing the importance of understanding national policy-making...

It's "conducting cutting edge research into various topics ranging from soil & plant health through to food security." Hence, it aims to be "a key partner in national and global...

Is one of 15 centers supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. It works with partners worldwide on “developing innovations to improve food security and the livelihoods of...

It is dedicated to improving food security and reducing poverty through research into better and more sustainable livestock use. Partners with organizations worldwide to enhance the role of livestock in...

It works to "create, manage and make sense of knowledge and develop innovative tools and make them available to policy makers", "anticipate emerging issues that need to be addressed at...

Is a non-profit organization "focused on developing perennial grains, pulses and oilseed-bearing plants to be grown in ecologically intensified, diverse crop mixtures known as perennial polycultures". Its goal is "to...