Old Subject: Cybersecurity

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30 results returned.
An organization that leads the "national effort to protect and enhance the resilience of the United States' physical and cyber infrastructure." It works with "partners to defend against today’s threats...

It is an international, independent nonprofit organization that “promotes peace by creating trusted settings for candid, global discourse among leaders to tackle intractable security and stability challenges.” It provides "strategic...

The agency is "dedicated to achieving a high common level of cybersecurity across Europe." It contributes to "EU cyber policy, enhances the trustworthiness of ICT products, services and processes with...

A non-profit, non-partisan research institute focusing on foreign policy and national security. Former Secretary of State, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, figured importantly in its founding. This think tank “combines policy research, democracy...

It's focus is on international affairs, with an aim to produce top-tier scholarship, cultivate future leaders, and influence policymaking to address upcoming global challenges. It is a university-wide research and...

The multidisciplinary research centre engages in efficient and effective cybersecurity capacity-building and policymaking. It is working towards complementary models that provide "nations with a comprehensive framework to make better-informed decisions...

A global platform for countries, international organizations, and private companies to share best practices and expertise in developing cyber capacity. It aims to identify and replicate successful policies, practices, and...

The UN Global Programme assists “member States in their struggle against cyber-related crimes through capacity building and technical assistance.” It’s designed to “respond flexibly to identified needs in developing countries...

The Institute for Security Policy and Law is a joint project of SU’s College of Law and its Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs along with other colleges and...

It is focused on integrated and harmonized solutions for chemical-environmental safety, security, and industry cybersecurity. The organization aims to identify, operationalize, and internationalize best practices, capacity building, standards, and regulatory...