Subject: Governance

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107 results returned.
It focuses on the importance of leadership and good government in Africa. It holds that any real and widespread improvement in the standard of living of African residents must start...

An international policy school aiming to contribute "to the betterment of democratic governance around the world." They provide "interdisciplinary education for future leaders in the public sector and conduct research...

An independent non-profit organization dedicated to "help people to realize the benefits of their countries’ oil, gas and mineral wealth through applied research, and innovative approaches to capacity development, technical...

The network of regional governments works to "share information and experience about sustainable development policy-making at the regional level of governance." It promotes "understanding, collaboration and partnerships in sustainable development...

It is working across various areas "including oceanography, ecology, engineering, resource management, and governance to address key ocean challenges." It works with "local, state and federal governments, industry and business,...

It outlines key challenges negotiators face and suggests strategic approaches to tackle them. The book underscores the importance of deeply comprehending the negotiation process and procedural rules, continuously offering insightful...

Is a non-profit organization and global network dedicated to advocating for peer to peer practices. It strives for the creation "of common goods through open, participatory production and governance processes."...

The Positive Peace Report 2024 explores the elements that foster, anticipate, and sustain peace across 163 countries. Significantly, it uses the Positive Peace Index (PPI) to evaluate the attitudes, institutions,...

It collaborates with governments and other stakeholders to achieve global biodiversity targets. It aims to conserve biodiversity within a well-connected, effectively managed, and fairly governed system of protected and conserved...

It represents the concerns of the Quaker community at the United Nations. Its primary focus is to support the United Nations in eliminating war and promoting human rights, economic justice,...