Subject: Renewable (Clean) Energy

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132 results returned.
A global consortium representing fusion energy enterprises worldwide committed to working with policymakers, investors, power producers, regulators, and partner companies to secure the necessary investment and support to make fusion...

It strives to "transform how the world is energized by developing the first commercially-viable fusion power plant" with technology based on magnetized target fusion. It has 10 investors (about $127m)...

It serves as a "platform for networking opportunities aimed at promoting and supporting global geothermal development", which is committed to "push geothermal as a gamechanger for achieving Sustainable Development Goal...

The nonprofit was formerly known as the Geothermal Resources Council. It  currently reflects a "paradigm shift for geothermal energy" ; serving as a "professional and educational association for the geothermal...

It aims to provide a mechanism for the partners to organize, coordinate and implement targeted international research, development, demonstration and commercial activities related to production, delivery, conversion and use of...

An international network "focused on three types of renewable energy projects that will create green jobs, enable the productive use of power for low-income communities and promote gender equity." Works to "deliver transformational programs that...

In support of the first global stocktake of the Paris Agreement, the IEA's Global Energy Transitions Stocktake offers the latest data and analysis on the global clean energy transition, tracking...

Is a “non-profit international organization, composed of the world’s leading electricity companies.” It aims to “play an active role in global electricity issues within the international framework and to promote...

In the post-corona world, "renewable energy is more cost-effective than ever – providing an opportunity to prioritize clean energy in economic recovery packages and bring the world closer to meeting...

The paper Global Warming in the Pipeline argues the urgent need for comprehensive action to combat global warming and lessen its possible effects on societies and ecosystems. In this sense,...