Subject: Conservation

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242 results returned.
Is a network of over 250 scholars worldwide from ”diverse disciplines, including ecology, biology, philosophy, epidemiology, public health, ecological economics, and international law.” It works under the motto of ”Sustaining...

It aims to foster "leadership through dialogue and innovative programs, creates and tests new tools and methods, and conducts research to support sustainable forest management worldwide."  To this end, it...

An international non-governmental and non-profit organization that works towards advancing sustainable development goals worldwide. In 1998, the GNF launched the "Living Lakes" international network, which remains a key initiative. Implements...

A program of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity that seeks “to halt the continuing loss of plant diversity”. Objectives: Plant diversity is well understood, documented and recognized. It is...

It's mission to address shared systemic problems and global changes by bringing together researchers, industry professionals, policymakers, students, NGOs, citizens, and other stakeholders through its Policy Network. It provides thought-leadership...

Is an “independent non-profit research organization focusing on innovative and disruptive research in Ecology, Biodiversity and Public Health.” The organization has deep ties with “universities, government labs and other institutes...

It was established to “create positive outcomes for future generations” by fostering “path-breaking scientific discovery, environmental conservation, patient care improvements and preservation of the special character of the Bay Area.”...

Is an “independent and non-partisan journal” that works to “provide extensive coverage of the global political movements for ecological responsibility and expanded democracy.” Areas of interest: Ecology Beyond the U.S. Civic...

An international  working to reforest the planet, raise "the living standards of the rural poor, and combat global climate change." Helps "struggling communities to thrive using nature-based solutions." Their work...

An "intergovernmental partnership of 105 countries promoting shared and open data and information on Earth observations." The global network connects "government institutions, academic and research institutions, data providers, businesses, engineers,...