Subject: Awareness

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56 results returned.
A governmental agency informing "Canadians about protecting and conserving our natural heritage, and ensuring a clean, safe and sustainable environment for present and future generations." Publications: Subscription service Resources

A “local, regional, and national catalyst for change through the use of accessible media and information.” It strives for a “pacific region where there is gender justice, ecological sustainability, peace,...

It works "to promote the long-term success of the Finnish society", aiming to "impact current public debate through the production of informed opinions and knowledge, and by proposing reforms to...

A non-profit organization providing "information to populations confronted with crises, to enable them to act in their daily lives and as citizens." It produces and broadcasts "information and dialogue programs...

It is dedicated to providing policymakers and the general public with the tools and evidence they need to make informed decisions about the food system. Its long-term goal is to...

It aims improve the quality of life for Canadians by studying, measuring, and broadly communicating the effects of government policies, entrepreneurship, and choice on their well-being. It produces research on...

It aims to transform the World through conversations and connections, with a focus on global learning. Through its platform, teachers can connect with their students and the planet. It was...

It assists individuals and institutions in making ethical decisions through higher education and policy engagement from cross-cultural and global perspectives. They integrate academic and public engagements to achieve this goal,...

It is an online forum of ideas and an international network for the critical exploration of concepts, strategies, and visions for a transition to a future of enriched lives, human...

An independent research center striving to "contribute to the reduction of international tensions and to move towards a less armed and safer world." It works "towards conflict prevention, disarmament and...