Geographic Focus: International

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512 results returned.
Africa's first development agency, implementing the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Its goal is to transform Africa through projects that translate strategic development frameworks into national priorities, knowledge sharing, and partnerships...

An independent think tank aiming to enhance governance in Lebanon and the Arab region. LCPS focuses on policy development in areas like political representation, transparency in the oil and gas...

Promotes economic growth, peace, and stability by increasing accountability and inclusivity. They anticipate future governance challenges, assist in institutional transformation and reform, and focus on governance standardization, market engagement, and...

A foundation focused on studying threats to national and citizen security in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a particular emphasis on organized crime. The organization provides reports, analyses, and...

Identifies financing necessities and mechanisms for sustainable development. It strongly advocates reversing natural resource degradation and adopting sustainable policies. Notably, the report highlights the necessity of a conducive legal environment...

Examines the transformative effects of technology on various sectors. Specifically, it delves into how technology revolutionizes business models, supply chains, and employment. Beyond that, it also discusses how it influences...

A research center in international relations. It has significantly contributed to understanding war's profound effects on humanity's spiritual, intellectual, and material progress. The institute is dedicated to constructively resolving conflicts,...

A center committed to developing knowledge and practices that encourage constructive conflict resolution, effective cooperation, and social justice. They collaborate with groups, organizations, and communities seeking to learn conflict resolution...

An initiative committed to promoting sustainable peace through innovation and integration. It is based at Columbia University and aims to enhance integrative research and practice in sustainable peace, conflict engagement,...

An independent, non-partisan institution committed to promoting a more just and peaceful world through policy-oriented peace research. Addresses global challenges with peace researchers, policymakers, and community activists. Its strategies range...